Monday, April 18, 2011

Silent Hill 3

Silent Hill 3 play through party in Austin, Texas was great. Lobos from Descendants of Erdrick has a live feed as he plays through games, and I just happened to be there this time. The game was decently creepy, which I found surprising as there were 6+ people joking and talking and we had the brightness turned up all the way so the web viewers could actually see what was going on. The sounds were probably the most disturbing. I'd like to play 2, and Shattered Dreams now, but where will I get the time? There are so many different things I'd like to do.

Texas is amazing. The weather has been perfect everyday since I've arrived. Maybe a tad on the hot side during the day, which doesn't bode well for me, as it is mid-April and hasn't gotten "hot" yet. The nights are wonderful, mid-70's and a mild breeze, that wafts the nature smell into our apartment complex. Everything is alive here, in Michigan I suppose everything is alive there too, but still dormant. The trees are still bear, the grass is still brown but quickly gaining color everyday. Here everything is already green and already has leaves.

I've also heard back from three companies now! Two form letters saying my resume was received, which is more than what I got back in MI, and one company telling me to apply to all of their departments because they're looking for a math/physics minded person and have many departments that could use me!! Since this is my first week of job searching here, I have my doubts any of these will go anywhere, but it's so exciting just to have so much feedback. I'm cautiously optimistic that I'll be employed soon.

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